Tuesday 27 December 2011

Summer Feet

Last post before I fly off tonight! Couldn't leave Australia without drawing these awesome sandals I saw whilst running around completing errands the other day. Today is a perfect 25 degrees, not a cloud in the sky! Will be sad to say goodbye to sunshine, vitamin D and open toe shoes but I guess its not all milk and honey here, we had a White Christmas in Melbourne...of sorts! Hail galore! 

Checked the weather forecast for Paris, where I shall be living the good life for New Years (hoorah). Rain (boo). But the Parisians are known for their impeccable sense of style, so I shall be shoe-perving to my hearts content! 

Bonne annĂ©e! 

Thursday 22 December 2011

The Big Move

Packing up my life to fit neatly in a suitcase with a 20kg limit, was always going to be a struggle. And predictably, the stumbling block is shoes. Always shoes.

So, I procrastinated by sketching my dilemma (rather than addressing my dilemma). Is it wrong to take two pairs of black ankle boots, both essentially indistinguishable from one another? Same could be said about the two pairs of black knee high boots. Hmmmm. Tricky. 
Somehow the empty corner just doesn't seem quite large enough. Gah.